Like a book club, but with a podcast
Moderated conversations leading to greater understanding + connection.
Service Description
Krista Tippett's ONBEING podcast: A conversation with Krista Tippett and the late Rabbi Jonathan Sacks. Each squad member will listen to the podcast on their own. A couple days before the conversation gathering, I'll send everyone the transcript of the podcast...and three reflections to ponder. We'll use the reflection questions as springboards for discussion during our Zoom. Krista describes, "Rabbi Sacks was one of the world’s deepest thinkers on religion and the challenges of modern life. He died last year after a short battle with cancer. When Krista spoke with him in 2010, he modeled a life-giving, imagination-opening faithfulness to what some might see as contradictory callings: How to be true to one’s own convictions while also honoring the sacred and civilizational calling to shared life — indeed, to love the stranger?" This conversation is incredibly beautiful!
Upcoming Sessions
Contact Details
+ 61030896565